Life in the Slow Lane
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Independence Day, last day of our trip. I had most of my stuff already packed so I went to the convenience store by the hotel to pick up another 12 of Spotted Cow but they were sold out. Sad face.
We played 18 at The River course before leaving. We were behind a very slow foursome who luckily let us play through on the 5th hole and it was smooth sailing from there, My poor play continued until we had five or six holes left and my swing finally came around and I was hitting the ball real well. We finished the round in a little under three and a half hours which allowed us to get on the road earlier than expected. I was worried about traffic on the 4th but other than from Sheboygan to Milwaukee there really wasn't much traffic to contend with. We pulled off in Elkhardt Wisconsin to get lunch on the road at a Burger King. Yuck is all I can say, it wasn't very good even by fast food standards. We then made it to Bloomington where we stopped for gas and a pee break, then it was back on the road. No more stops until we made it home which made for a long four hour drive. Total trip was about seven hours which was better than I expected. I was let off first and since Baileys car was here it was all Kelly could do to stop Mona from coming in and seeing the twins. There was smoke coming from the backyard so I was thinking chicken wings only to be disappointed with burgers and hot dogs which were good but no chicken wings (sorry Glue). I got to stay inside instead of watching fireworks since wonderdog Otis was scared of the noise and then it was to bed after a wonderful trip. Thanks again Brian and Beth, and also Kelly for including me.
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October 2024