Life in the Slow Lane
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Yesterday we had all three grandkids so we promised them we would take them on a hike. As we waited for it to warm up Greyson asked all kinds of questions about it. He didn't really remember the one we went on last year but Brinley said she did.
When it finally got warm enough we headed to Giant City. I had forgot it was vulturefest in Makanda and the town was really packed. Looked like a great time but probably too crowded for me. We headed straight to Indian Creek Trail instead of taking the long way around the park. I was very surprised when there was no one there, I mean no one. Off we went around the trail with Dax and Greyson chattering the whole time. They wanted to go in the creek bed and walk around so we crossed the same bridge twice, I think they really like going across the various bridges. We got back to the bluff part of the trail and they had a blast climbing on them, oh to be young again. Of course Dax had to do everything the big kids did with a little help of course. We got back on the trail and the home portion of the trail. We finally met a man and kid on the very last part of the trail. We stopped at a playground next to the road that leads to the trail and the played on the equipment for a while. Dax kept going down the slide and giggling everytime. Greyson and Brinkley were all over the place. Everyone decided it was time to eat and wonder of wonder Brinley and Greyson agreed on Quatros. When we got there the placed was packed. We got a booth downstairs and ordered drinks and a salad for us. The kids got croutons and cheese to snack on. The pizza got there and it was a rare substandard pizza. It tasted like it was rushed and needed a little more time. Poor little Dax had a bad moment when Lisa pushed him over to a table full of people we know and everyone was laughing at least until Dax put his head down and really started crying, poor guy. We were going to the park with their bicycles but by the time we got back it was too late. In spite of the pizza it was a great day.
After an extended time off from hiking due to some health issues we finally went hiking again, albeit a very short walk down and back up on some steps. I'd been wanting to go to Cave In Rock for a couple years and we finally decided to go, probably to appease me. I went there when I was young but didn't remember much about it.
Anyway we found our way there and parked in a lot that said cave parking. We went up some stairs only to come out in an area where we could have been much closer. There was also an outhouse that provided some relief for us. Then it was down some other stairs to the short path that went to the cave. Let me tell you it is really cool. There's a narrow natural path that allows you to without bending over but it's tricky. We walked back in the cave and looked around without getting into the muddy areas. There is a hole in the top that provided some light but I had a small flashlight I used to see the path. I've been having balance issues for a while and had a couple close calls with falling but all went well. I think everyone was impressed with the trip and really enjoyed it except the dead fish smell coming from the numerous dead fish in the river. Part two will tell the places we went after the Cave. Yesterday we took the grankids for a hike at Oakwood Bottoms. I'd been wanting to take them there for quite a while but it just hasn't worked out. With school starting Monday time was running out so off we went.
We decided not to walk the whole trail around the lake, only the boardwalk through the woods. Dax was regulated to his stroller, way too many things to pick up and put in his mouth. I was hoping to see some wildlife but we didn't see any even though the woods was dry this time. We heard birds but didn't see any of those either. Regardless the twins said they enjoyed it and Dax seemed happy. We ended up walking over to the bridge and onto the island then walked around it a little. Brinley and Greyson enjoyed throwing sticks in the lake but we didn't let them throw too many. We headed back and discovered Dax had lost his pacifier someplace between the boardwalk and the bridge but we never saw it. After we left there we went to Bottoms Up for snacks. Dax settled on applesauce and fries while Brinley got chicken strips and Greyson got chips. I ordered wings for me and Lisa. The wings were really good, on par with their normal fried chicken and the kids all really seemed to like what they got, especially Dax and the applesauce. Greyson had been talking about the spillway so we took a quick trip by there on the way home. I finally am starting to feel recovered enough from my health issue that I could resume some easy walks. No big inclines or places that I could slip on. So yesterday me and Lisa headed over to Ferne Cliff to do the Rocky Hollow trail and the Rebman trail, I didn't think I was ready for the Hawks Cave trail.
We got there the place was crowded and you could hear a lot of kids playing around the park. We went down Rocky Hollow first with the expectation of a nice waterfall with all the rain we've had lately. There were several places on the trail that were either being repaired or upgraded, my money is on the former. It was a nice day and the walk there seemed shorter than normal. When we got to the falls, disappointment. The water wasn't coming over any harder than normal. There were several kids playing in the water at the bottom and throwing rocks up the waterfall and watching them come back down. Being a rock chunker from way back I kind of wanted to go down and toss one too but my old bones thought better of it. We went back and then on the Rebman trail where there were kids playing in the stream that you cross going to it. I chose to walk in water to cross instead of using the stone crossing. I paid for it when one of the kids ran across and splashed me. No biggie, I've been splashed before and will again. We got to the falls and they seemed to be coming over more than the bigger one. On the way home we stopped to rehydrate at 618 Taproom. It was such a nice day we sat on the patio and enjoyed the day before heading home. It was good to get back out but I was wore out by the time we got home. The Mike and Debbie tour of Southern Illinois continued yesterday without Lisa who took off for Florida yesterday on her annual "girls" trip. I took Mike and Debbie to the Indian Creek trail in Giant City. Me and Lisa had done it last year and it was a nice easy trail for some people who may have had to much to drink the night before. The area looked a lot different with everything coming to life instead what we saw last fall.
We were around the halfway point of the trail when we started hearing thunder. I didn't think it was very close so we kept going instead of taking cover under the bluffs like in the old days. We got done about the time it started sprinkling, when I looked on radar the storm line had mostly broken up around here. We stopped at the the visitor center to check out the displays. I started talking to the lady at the visitor center and once we started putting 2 and 2 together she'd played bocce for Mauraders on Wednesday nights. After that I took them to Route 51 brewery for the first time. They seemed to really like the place and Mike even found a beer he liked. I ordered a cuban with baked beans, Mike ordered a BBQ and fries and Debbie ordered loaded fries. The cuban was good and so were the beans except the big beans in it, I didn't like those. I tried Debbie's loaded fries and I didn't care for them but Mikes fries were real good. It was a nice day yesterday so we gathered up Lisa's brother Mike and went to show him Ferne Cliff. We went down Big Rocky Hollow trail to the waterfall. It wasn't coming over much, so disappointing but it was still a nice walk.
We then went on Hawks Cave trail but this time we went to the left and I think that way is a little easier but that may because last time some of the rocks were a little wet. There was some water coming down over the cave. To me it's more of an overhang than a cave but who cares, it's a really nice area. Only drawback is that when we were a short distance from the end of the trail my foot caught on something, probably a sapling stump, and I kicked myself in the other leg opening up a nice little skin tear. Luckily I keep supplies in the Durango and patched it up. We finished off with the Rebman trail. Both waterfalls were coming over rather nicely and it was a good way to finish off the hiking. I was a little sore from the day before and Mike and Lisa are both much faster walkers than I am so I went a little faster too. After leaving we tried to find Bork Falls but stopped too soon and went to Pookies to get something to eat. The special was chicken fried chicken but I resisted and got a creole burger with mozzerella and jalapenos on the side, Lisa got an italian sub and Mike got a regular cheese burger. The now have house made chips instead of bagged so we all got a side of the chips. My burger was good but the jalapenos were on it, no big deal. The cheese was shredded and I think it's better with the pepper cheese. The chips looked like Ruffles but were a good solid chip except the ones that were soggy, not sure if this was from the sandwiches or the way they turned out. Lisa and Mike both like their sandwich and Mike went to town on his and Lisa's chips. 🍺🍺🍺🍺 I didn't take many pictures but here they are: Yesterday we decided to go somewhere close and take hike/walk/whatever you want to call it. After discussing a few options we went to Alto Pass and went down the Quentil trail. There were quite a few people on the early portion of the trail. One group appeared t be a family's and there was another guy sitting on a bench with a bunch of rocks. I said something to the guy with the rocks and he talked for a while about them and what they were before I said we better get going, I think we'd still be there if I hadn't. Not a lot new to mention about the trail but I did see my first flower of the year, a jonquil. There were still some shrine like things along the trail. On the way back the first group we had encountered was doing some climbing on the bluff, not something that's ever interested me. We stopped at Havesham for a quick beer and to decided where to eat. We ended up going to Middies and got there when it wasn't very crowded. I ordered the prime rib sandwich special with beans and slaw. Lisa got an enchilada plate that she'd been craving.
I'm generally not a big prime rib guy but this was very good and of course the beans are some of my favorites. The slaw was also good as always. Lisa said her enchilada was good and she learned to eat one and save the other instead of eating half of each one and having two halves left over. 🍺🍺🍺🍺 It rained on Wednesday so yesterday we decided to check out the waterfall again at Ferne Cliff. This time we knew a little of what we were doing so we parked in the right parking log and went down the big rocky hollow trail that we finished up on previously. It's a nice easy trail that is rocked the whole way. The creek seemed to be running a little more but not as much as I expected. There were several people taking advantage of nice February day, it was nice enough we wore shorts. When we got to the falls it was running over a little more but not as much as I expected. On the way back we saw another small waterfall that wasn't running the last time we were there. We got done with the first trail and decided to check out Hawk's cave trail. This trail is a loop and we decided to go right mainly because it went up and I wanted to finish going down. We went up a rock paved trail that had several steps that were kept in place with railroad ties. It took awhile but we finally reached the cave. There was a smaller cave but we went a little further and there was a big cave that had several large rocks or boulders in it. So far so good but after we left the cave the trail got a little tough and you had to go from rock to rock to get to the rest of the trail, luckily the rocks weren't slick. After that we got back to the rocked path that finished by going up and down. In retrospect going left at the start was probably easier. When we got that we both had some left in us so we went down the Rebman trail. It's a nice flat trail with a rock creek to one side. When we got to the end we were surprised, there was another really nice waterfall. It wasn't as high as the other but you could see it coming down the side of the hill until it reached the drop off. Once we left there we went on the opposite side of the creek and started down what looked like a trail. I think it was for people who want to climb the cliff. We got to where there trail went back across the creek and headed back. That was enough for me in one day but as we say "it was a great day tater".
Lisa suggested Turners Table for breakfast on Monday and I'm not one to turn down going out for breakfast so off we went.
I got two eggs over easy, sausage, hash browns and a biscuit. Lisa got two eggs sunny side up, bacon, biscuit and a side of gravy. Her order came with hash browns but she said she didn't want any. For some reason the hash browns sounded good so I told her to go ahead and get that too. The sausage was a premade patty and was slightly overcooked but Lisa's bacon looked great and she said it was real good. Both eggs were cooked correctly and were good. We both used Lisa's gravy on our biscuits and it was also solid. The star of the show was the hash browns, Lisa even ate some of hers after she didn't want any. We both agreed it was one of the better breakfasts we've had in a restaurant lately. 🍺🍺🍺🍺🍷 After we left there we went to the beer store and then home where we changed into our hiking shoes. We decided on Giant City nature trail but on the way over I said let's go to Ferne Cliff instead. I hadn't really looked at how to get there but thought it was close to Lick Creek so we went down through AJ and took the round about way to get there. Not a bad choice on a great February day. We finally got there and I wanted to see the waterfall so we found the waterfall trail and parked in the camping area. The trail was down hill and had some mud places, roots, logs, etc on the trail. There were periodic signs showing which way to go but at some point we got off the trail. I think we went down lower when we should have went higher but I'm not sure. Not a big deal because we'd seen a rocked trail on the other side of a creek. The creek wasn't very deep so we just crossed over and got on the other trail which took us right to the waterfall. The waterfall was coming over some and was awesome to see. I'd like to go back after a big rain and check it out. We spent a little time there and decided to take the trail back instead of trying to find our original trail. It was a nice trail and there were quite a few people out and about. It took us back to a different parking lot where there were several other trails branching out. We took off on the heel toe express and started back to where we hoped our parking lot was. Little did we know our parking lot was quite a bit away and that the road was a steep incline. A little ways up and the heel toe express became the heel toe and rest slowpoke. Later I check and the map said it was 1.7 miles but I say bullshit, It was closer to 2.5 miles or more. Needless to say we'd both had all we wanted and headed home. Monday was a relatively nice day so we decided on a hike instead of me playing golf. There was still some ice and snow in some areas so I decided on Turkey Bayou. I guess officially it is Oakwood Bottoms but I've always heard Turkey Bayou.
The first part of the trail is around a lake with a side trip over a bridge onto an island in the lake. The trail was supposed to be rock but had some moss or grass growing on it. It was a lot easier to see into the woods but only saw a raccoon and birds. We thought the trail was done but we saw a bridge going over a swamp like area so we decided to check it out. When we got on it it was obvious it was a boardwalk and was part of the trail. This was the best part of the trail for me. Overall it was a nice trail to start off the year and the weather was great for February. We talked about several options including hitting the Quentil trail again so Lisa mentioned having a beer at the Duck Inn. I was talking to a guy from Chicago and another guy and Lisa was talking to the bartender so one turned into two before we left. From there we decided to go to the Revlon for a burger. Both guys said the Revlons burger was better than the Duck Inn. We both ordered a burger and beer and started talking to a guy at the end of the bar. Come to find out he was originally from Murphysboro and lived around the corner from where Lisa grew up. He was also related to the person we bought our house from and knew a lot of the same people we did. The burger was nice and big, way too big for Lisa. Lisa like the burger better than Duck Inn but she'd only got a slider there. I liked the Duck Inn burger better but it was still a very good burger. 🍺🍺🍺🍺 On Wednesday we checked off the second of three places I'd wanted to visit this year. We went to Garden of the Gods and hiked the Indian Point trail. That leaves Cave In Rock but that might have to wait until next year. When we decided on this the Glue had to cancel her hair appointment for it. When I woke up I had a bit of vertigo type dizziness but it got better as the day went on.
The ride over was a little confusing but we got there without any major wrong turns. We did have one malfunction when a sign said trailhead but it ended up being a different trail so we turned around and found what we were looking for. When we got there I still wasn't 100%. The trail starts out through some woodlands but starts to rise quickly with the roots of trees forming a sort of uneven staircase. The trail continues up for quite a bit before starting to level out on the bluffs where there is some really nice scenery looking out over the land below. Needless to say I didn't get close to any overhangs. The trail then starts down and was hard to see with all the leaves. The leaves also covered the numerous rocks and roots that were on the trail and also made places slippery. This made the journey down a lot more difficult so we didn't get a chance to look around unless we stopped. When we got back to the start both of us had all we wanted. The trail was rated easy but the leaves didn't make it that easy. The Glue said it was her favorite trail so far. I want to try it again when I feel better but won't go until the leaves are gone. Yesterday we went to Giant City to walk the Indian Creek Shelter trail. This is the closest to a trail we've gone on and it was very enjoyable. The Glue said it's her favorite so far. The trail starts out through some low land area but starts going up after a short bit. The highlight is some overhangs that was used as shelters for Indians long ago. There is a stream bed, needless to say with the drought we've been having it didn't have water in it except for a few pools in the deeper areas.
The trail is narrower than others we've been on and has a lot of up and down in it. The trail is .7 miles long and not a lot of elevation gain. When we got done we decided to walk on part of it and then cut across the stream bed where we'd seen a path. This probably made it close to a mile. Overall a really nice place that I'm sure we'll revisit a lot. On Monday we went for a walk around Campus Lake on the SIUC campus. I'd done this several times in the past but not since I've been retired. The lake had turned over a little while ago and had a bad smell so I contacted a Jerry who I used to work with and who runs around it quite often.
It's not a real hard walk but it has some nice scenery. Most of the path is in the woods but there is a small portion that is on a sidewalk by Thompson Point. We took a slight detour and went by my old office at Lentz Hall. So much has changed in the years since I've retired. My old office is now reverted to being part of the dining area at Lentz. The trail starts at ends at what used to be Campus Beach but it's very hard to see where the beach used to be. Weebly once again ate my first attempt so this will be abbreviated.
Yesterday we went to Giant City and tried the Post Oak trail. Most of the trail you are on top of a bluff without any trail markings so I'm not sure we were actually on the trail of just wandering. I really had to watch my footing to the detriment of seeing the sights but I stopped occasionally to take it in. The trail was supposed to loop but we never saw a way down the bluff so we went back the way we came. The bright side is we can do the bottom portion some other time. After we left we decided to try out the Havisham House in Alto Pass. They have a nice number of taps but the only one that interested me was Revolution Octoberfest which was really good. I stayed on the Octoberfest but the Glue also tried a blackberry lemonade that was also really good but could probably get a person in trouble. Our nephew Andrew came down for a bit followed by his wife Tiffany and son Ethan. After we left we sadly decided to get KFC to take home. We got the 8 piece bucket extra crispy with mashed potatoes and gravy and slaw. The chicken was good and the slaw was great but the mashed potatoes and gravy bordering on cold. On Wednesday we went to the Chautauqua Bottoms Nature Preserve to the Woodland Spur trail. It was a there and back trail with very little elevation. The scenery would have been a lot better last week but most of the leaves are brown or gone. We took the trail to the end which is in the middle of a neighborhood and then back again. It was an easy walk so when we got back we decided to take another trail the kind of connects with it.
It turned out to be the Maurice Webb trail and is a loop trail but it actually starts at a different point which didn't really matter for a loop. A lot of similar scenery but there were some meadow or marsh areas. It also had very little elevation and when we got back we decided to go to St, Nicholas MDH for a quick beer before we picked up the grandtwins. I really wanted to try the Marzen, aka Octoberfest, but they were out of it so we both opted for their brown ales. They were really good so we went for another and also got a side of fries which were excellent. Yesterday we were going to Mo. to go to Tower Rock but had heard many stories about how long it took to get in and out so we opted to do something else. Garden of the Gods and a couple others were discussed but after some research we decided on Quetil Trail in Alto Pass. We're not ready to take on any tough trails and this was rated easy,
It was a perfect day for it so we headed down to Alto and hit the trail. The first part of the trail runs along side some bluffs and some large boulders. As we went down the bluffs and boulders disappeared and it was mainly trees with an up slope on one side and a down slope on the other, The trail is really more a path but the further along we went the less well kept the path became. After about 1.3 miles you reach a gate and turn around and go back. There appeared to be several side paths that may be fire trails and a very step staircase carved in the rocks the goes up to one of the lookouts on the road above. The most remarkable thing about the trail is that it seemed to go up both ways but the return trip is the incline. After we left the trail we went to the Revlon for a beer and an appetizer. We got fried pickles which probably was a mistake, they were just okay. After a nice little stop we went for a drive n top of LaRue-Pine Hills. It's such a nice drive and always has great scenery. (click on pictures to enlarge) I've been wanting to go to Natural Bridge for quite some time and we finally went yesterday. I haven't been there in over 40 years and I didn't really remember it very well. It was a perfect day for a little walk/hike. Warm, sunny but windy and the trees were in full color.
I didn't remember the walk being too bad but somehow it's gotten a lot harder and steeper than it was all those years ago. It couldn't be that I'm old and way too heavy. As we were starting there was another couple from Carlyle who were going on the hike too so we kind of went down together. The walk down wasn't just a stroll in the park but down is the easy part. When we got to the bottom it was spectacular. The bridge, the trees, the bluffs all added to the experience. We went on top of the bridge but then came back and went underneath it. There was a crevice that I didn't get to close to since my balance isn't as great as it used to be. There was an overhang on the other side of the bridge with a path that we didn't follow but the other couple did. We decided to go up the path on the other side of the bridge to go up the hill. I'm glad we did it but it was a lot harder than the one coming down and not very well maintained. At times there it was kind of hard to see. The other couple was just behind us as we went up. I had to stop a few times to catch my breath and rest. I was greatly relieved when I saw the Glues Jeep and the picnic table that was by it so I could sit down for a bit. After we left there we went back through Pomona and on some backroads. I'd been wanting to stop at Pomona Winery since the owners play bocce and are very nice. One of the other bocce players helps tend bar and was very helpful in helping us select a wine. We went with the golden which is made with Golden Delicious apples. The plan was to drink a glass and bring the rest home but it was so nice on the deck that we drank the whole bottle. Neither of us are big wine people anymore but we both really like the wine especially the Glue. After leaving we ordered Subway and headed home capping off an absolutely great experience and inspiring me to get in better shape ( and I don't mean round). (click on pictures to enlarge) |
October 2024